King Edward VII School Sheffield

Prefects, Sports Captains

47/8; 48/9; 49/0; 50/1; 51/2; 52/3; 53/4; 54/5; 55/6; 56/7; 57/8; 58/9; 59/60; 60/1; 61/2, 62/3; 63/4; 64/5; 65/6; 66/7; 67/8; 69/70; 70/71; List of Head and Deputy Head Prefects (47-70)

Head Prefects' Log, 1937-1963

Members of Staff

List of Masters, 1905-66

Group Photos of Staff


List of Heads of related schools pre-1905 (SRGS, Collegiate School, Wesley College)
Rev. V. W. Pearson, B.A. (last Headmaster of Wesley College, 1891-1905)
Mr J H Hichens, Headmaster 1905 - 1926
Mr S R K Gurner, Headmaster 1926 - 1928
Mr R B Graham, Headmaster 1928 - 1938
Dr Arthur Willoughby Barton, Headmaster 1938 - 1950
Mr N L Clapton, Headmaster 1950 - 1965 (2 photos, 2 KES Magazine articles, one an obituary)
Mr R Sharrock, Headmaster 1966 - 1988
Mr M H A Lewis, Headteacher 1988 - 2008
Mrs B Jackson, Headteacher 2008 - date

Masters (up to 1960s)

T G Cook, History, 1955-65; N J Barnes (Music, 1947-75); P L Baylis (Music, 1930-47); S V Carter (Maths, then Second Master, 21-58); G Claypole (English, c41-58); B H Edwards (Biology); John Fordham (Head of Biology 63-67); D B Harrison (PE, 47-67); C Helliwell (Art, 36-66); A Jackson (Dep Head, 1958-81); Miss E M Knight (left in 1952); E L Kopcke (Geog, 1948-59); G Mackay (Chemistry, March 51 - summer 66); C J Magrath (1908-49); J S Nicholas (1911-47; 2nd Master 26-47); P D C Points (English 58-63); H Redston (1921-60); T K Robinson (Economics, 1954-65); R N Towers (Geography, 46-79); H T R Twyford (Maths/French, 1935-66); V A Vout (Scripture, 1956-63); E L Vernon (Chemistry, 1944-67); E F Watling (Classics, 1924-60); P J Watson-Liddell (Classics, Pupil KES 1926-33, Staff 1958-59).

Characters (up to 1960s)

L A Waghorn, Groundsman

Mr C A P Gillman, School Caretaker 1938 - 1959

Teachers (who started post-1960s)

David Holdford (Biology, KES 66-79)
DH joined KES in September 1966 from university, when John Fordham was HOD. JF left in 1967 to take up the post of Deputy Head at Yeovil School; Mike Wilde became HOD and left in 1969 to be HOD at Lady Manners School in Bakewell. DH appointed Head of Biology in 1969, left KES in 1979 to be Head of A-level Sciences at AEB, the exam board (now merged with JMB to be AQA). Has since held a chair at the University of Calgary, now (2006) teaching part of a University of Surrey degree course. [Info from David Holdford, Sept 2006]

Chris Knowles (Chemistry, KES 1972-2004; died 17 September 2006 aged 60)

Tony Nicholson
Asssistant Biology Master at KES for about 3 years in the early 1970s. Left to read medicine as a mature student; became Consultant Radiologist in Hull, and is now Medical Director at St James' Infirmary ("Jimmy's") in Leeds. A 6' 5" rugby player. [Info from David Holdford, Sept 2006]