Email to List 22 May 2008

Subject:OEA Email - May 2008


Michael Lewis is retiring in July after 20 years as Head.

Mrs Beverley Jackson has been appointed as Headteacher from Sept 2008. For further details see or


The 2008 dinner took place, attracting 170 diners. Photos etc can be found via

*Trip to Japan*

KES is planning a trip to Japan in October 2008 and seeks a modicum of funding - further details are at

*Sophie Mei*

Ms Mei, recently prominent as a contestant in the TV show 'Britain's Got Talent', and due to appear in the next round on 24th May, has informed the OEA that she attended KES from 1999 to 2006 as Sophie Slack and addressed the 2006 OEA dinner when she was the 'Senior Student'.

More info can be found via


Don Nicolson (KES 59-66)

Membership Secretary
The Old Edwardians Association, PO Box 3682, Sheffield S11 9ZU

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