Email to List 12 December 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Membership
Sent: 12 December 2007 21:12
To: 'oes'
Subject: OEA Email - Dec 2007


OEA Email - Dec 2007




Two eminent OEs have died recently (both aged 95). These are


(a) Gordon Cumming (KES 1923-1931, died 2 Dec 2007)


Gordon Cumming returned to KES after Sheffield University and taught there from 1935 to 1953. His grandchildren have attended KES in the 2000s. He has been a regular diner at the OEA dinners.


See for a recent photo.


His son Rod informs me that any Old Edwardians wishing to attend the Thanksgiving Service in Sheffield would be most welcome. Details are:

Friday 14th December 2007, 1.30pm at St Andrews United Reformed Church, Upper Hanover Street (near Somme Barracks)

Further Details: John Heath & Sons 0114 272 2222


(b) Lord Allen of Abbeydale (KES 1923-1930, died 27 Nov 2007) - see e.g.

As plain Philip Allen, he distributed the prizes at Speech Day in 1961 - see   


*2008 OEA Dinner - update*


Maundy Thursday, 20 March 2008.


John Rawling (KES 68-74) has agreed to speak - see e.g.

for an account of his many accomplishments.


There will be anniversary tables for the cohorts 1951-58, 1954-61 (who become OAPs in 07/08), 1958-65, 1968-75, 1981-88. Anyone else wishing to organise a table is welcome to contact me.


Invitations will be sent out by post to members around 20 Jan 2008 and an online booking route will open simultaneously.






Don Nicolson (KES 59-66)


Membership Secretary


The Old Edwardians Association, PO Box 3682, Sheffield S11 9ZU


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