The school hosted Edwardians of all eras from 6:15 on Saturday 8th October.
Numbers were around the 700 mark - the Hall was filled from 7:45 until 9:00 or so and the Bar immediately below was simultaneously far from empty (according to unreliable sources).
This took place at the Abbeydale Sports Club on Sunday 9th Oct. There were 150 present, the event having reached the maximum permitted with a few days left.
Guest lists and photos can be found via
This was successfully launched during the Centenary evening. Copies
can be ordered from the school via
(Soft back only, hard backs having been snapped up)
(KES Centenary,
King Edward VII School, Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2PW;
tel: 0114 266 2518;
fax: 0114 268 7690; e-mail: centenary*at*
£12 soft back +
£5 p & p (UK); outside UK - ask.)
The OEA announced its intention to seek funds to restore the portrait of King Edward VII which hangs above the staircase at the Newbould Lane end of school, and details are available at
Diary note - this will be on Maundy Thursday, 13th April 2006.
Members should have received a newsletter by post in Feb 2005.
If you heard nothing then either we have lost your address, or records of your
membership have gone astray, or perhaps you are not a member. A simple way to
resolve any doubts is to visit
update your address or take out membership at a mere £5 for life.
Don Nicolson (KES 59-66)
Membership Secretary
The Old Edwardians Association,
PO Box 3682, Sheffield S11 9ZU membership*at*,
you wish to be removed from this list, an email to membership*at*
with the word 'remove' will suffice.