Email to List 14 November 2005

Subject: OEA Annual General Meeting + Social 2005

*OEA Annual General Meeting + Social*

The AGM will be held in the Glossop Road School Library, on Thursday 8th December 2005, commencing at 7 pm (access via the front steps).
Afterwards we will be gathering for a social drink at "Aunt Sally's" pub (formerly Lynwood) on Clarkehouse Road from around 8 pm. All members are invited; whether attending the AGM or not, you are most welcome.

Further details can be found via

*KES Centenary Concert*

Saturday 19 November 7.30 pm. See
for more details.

*OEA Dinner 2006*
Diary note - this will be on Maundy Thursday, 13th April 2006.


Don Nicolson (KES 59-66)

Membership Secretary
The Old Edwardians Association, PO Box 3682, Sheffield S11 9ZU membership*at*,

If you wish to be removed from this email list, send an email to membership*at* with the word 'remove'.